
This app came about because of a road trip from Michigan to Florida, travelling down I-75. During the course of the roadtrip, we found ourselves ahead of schedule and thought it would be a neat idea to see if there were any of the restaurants features on Food Networks TV Show, 'Diners, Drive-In & Dive'. Unfortunately, I had not planned for this ahead of time, but no worries, I thought, surely there's an app for that.

Hopping on the Marketplace, I discovered that, while there were a few apps dedicated to the "Triple D", none of them had very good reviews. Most the reviews commented on how this app or that app was never updated. I wasn't about to spend money on an app that never gets updated. In my frustration, I decided to talk to my business partner about building our own Triple D Finder App. This app is the result of a LOT of data gathering and television watching. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful. I know I can't wait to use it for my next road trip to Florida.